miercuri, 31 martie 2010

Gaga despre TELEPHONE

It is the anthem for our generation‘, a declarat artista despre viitorul material al ei, ce va aparea undeva prim ultimul semestru al lui 2010. Acum cateva zile anunta maretia si grandoarea materialului si modul in care scrie piesele de pe el, iar acum deja a ajuns la nivelul de ‘imn’ al unei intregi generatii de adolescenti si nu numai. Se zice si ca primul single a fost deja terminat :-?.

‘I saw this little box of messages, and I thought I would say hello and I love you. I promise it’s me. I love you all so much. I wanted to say thank you and give you a present.

“I’ve already written the first single for the new album. And I promise you, that this album is the greatest of my career. it is the anthem of our generation. I wrote it for you. Because of you, when I was in Liverpool, I wrote the greatest music I’ve ever written.”

Gaga ended by saying she’ll come back to Gaga Daily to announce the title of her third set, adding,”I don’t want to spoil it yet!’

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